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Waikiki Beach Chaplaincy Statement of Faith

The Waikiki Beach Chaplaincy is an independent, interdenominational, evangelistic Christian ministry dedicated to sharing the Good News of salvation with both locals and visitors on Duke Kahanamoku Beach in Waikiki.

The Holy Scriptures

We believe that the Scriptures are the inspired Word of God. The sixty-six canonized books of the Bible are without error and serve as the sole authority for faith and practice in all matters they address.

The Holy Spirit

We believe in the personality and deity of the Holy Spirit. He is the infallible author and interpreter of the Word, convicting, regenerating, indwelling, empowering, instructing, and guiding believers in living, service, and worship through His gifts. In this age, He baptizes, permanently indwells, and seals all believers into one body. His primary purpose is to testify of and glorify Christ, and His fullness, power, and control are realized in the believer’s life through faith. We believe He still moves in all power, spiritual gifts, and miracles.

Jesus the Christ

We believe in one God, eternally existing in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Each person of the Trinity shares the same attributes, nature, perfections, and characteristics.

The Godhead

Section One: The Deity of Christ:
We believe in the full deity of the Lord Jesus Christ, who is eternally God.

Section Two: The First Advent:

We believe that Jesus Christ was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary. He possesses both a divine and human nature, distinct yet united. He was sinless, died as a substitutionary atonement for the sins of all humanity, was buried, and rose on the third day in a glorified body. He ascended to the right hand of God the Father, offering salvation to all who believe through His atoning death.

Section Three: The Present Session

We believe that Jesus Christ, both God and man, is now seated at the right hand of God the Father, where He serves as the High Priest, continually interceding for all believers.

Section Four: The Second Advent
We believe in the personal, physical, and bodily return of Christ to gather His followers.

The Means of Salvation

Section One: The Work of God’s Grace
We believe that salvation is entirely a work of God’s grace, not dependent on human effort, goodness, or religious rituals. It is a gift received through personal faith, where Christ’s righteousness is credited to the sinner, justifying them before God. Those who are saved have been chosen by God before time and called effectively and irresistibly by the Holy Spirit.

Section Two: The Extent of Salvation
We believe that at the moment of salvation, the sinner is fully accepted by God, united with Christ, and thus loved and accepted by the Father as Christ is. The believer receives all the riches of divine grace and every spiritual blessing, without the need to seek a “second blessing” or “second work of grace.”

Section Three: Eternal Security
We believe that all true believers are eternally secure because of the nature and work of Christ and the very nature of the divine gift of eternal life. It is the privilege of all who are saved to have assurance of their salvation from the moment they accept Christ as Savior, an assurance based not on their own merit but on the testimony of Scripture and the witness of the Holy Spirit.

Section Four: Sanctification
We believe sanctification is the process of being set apart for God and that it occurs in three stages: positional sanctification, where the believer is already viewed by God as complete in Christ; progressive sanctification, where the believer, despite retaining a sin nature, grows in grace and becomes increasingly conformed to the image of Christ; and ultimate sanctification, where the believer will be fully sanctified in state, as they already are in position, when they see the Lord and become like Him.